Greaney Consulting LLC

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Finding an integrated, easy to use shop floor data collection solution just got a lot easier.  Greaney Consulting, LLC, has developed a full functioned, touch screen application that handles a wide range of data collection requirements.  The system will perform transactions such as clocking in and out, record setup and will run labor against work orders, or record labor directly against ledger accounts.  The system is completely and seamlessly integrated with your core ERP shop floor system.  Its design also allows for easy customization to your business’s needs.

Easy Transaction Data Entry

The touch screen transaction system allows for simple data entry through your choice of bar-code scanning of shop paperwork or employee badges, or by simply touching the active button areas of the touch screen.  The following transactions are supported:

·         Clock-In/Clock-Out

·         On Setup/Off Setup – On Run/Off Run

·         Move Ticket In/Move Ticket Out

·         Personal Information and Employee History Inquiry

·         Indirect Labor Charges

·         Direct Labor Charges to Work 

·         Orders, Projects or GL Accounts

The touch screen system simply collects critical information and then automatically performs the same real time validation as your standard ERP system.  Checks such as verifying a valid employee, work order, operation, quantity, etc. take place before any transactions are created.  If errors are found in this process, the system immediately issues an error message to the employee.  If data entry is validated, the appropriate transaction is created.

Administration Capabilities      

Included in the data collection solution is an easy-to-use administration module.  This module is intended for those customers who wish to review the data collection transactions prior to writing them directly to the ERP system.  In this module, an administrator can audit and adjust any transactions that have not yet been posted to the core ERP database.  The system can be configured to populate an audit file where transactions can be reviewed and then posted, or the transactions can automatically be posted.  If the system is configured for transaction review, the administrator has a number of options in viewing all transactions or just the error transactions and making appropriate corrections.

Technical Architecture

The core application runs on an NT or Novell server and requires only a Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer browser on the client PC.  This zero client footprint enables your IT department to make use of existing hardware to utilize the application.  When enhancements are made to the application, only the software on the server needs to be updated, saving your IT department considerable time and effort.

The system can also be deployed across multiple plants; providing the remote sites have access to the server the application is running on.  This provides a central collection point for all your labor tracking requirements.

 We have utilized a flexible visual basic development environment that provides us with an easy way to customize the application to your specific needs.  Your core ERP system requires no code changes to support this application.

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